My First Post

February 16, 2021

Well, this is my first post on GitHub Pages. These are the steps that I used to get this running. I followed a bit the steps created by Anindya Chatterjee.

For the examples below I am using my OSX laptop.

First install Ruby using home brew:

$ brew install ruby

And add the Ruby PATH to your .zshrc file:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"

Reload the .zshrc to add the settings:

$ source ~/.zshrc

Next we need to install Jekyll and some dependencies:

$ gem install --user-install bundler jekyll
$ gem install --user-install bundler jekyll-seo-tag
$ gem install --user-install bundler jekyll-paginate
$ gem install --user-install bundler webrick

And add the PATH to the binaries to the .zshrc file. In my case this was:

export PATH="${HOME}/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin:$PATH"

Reload the .zshrc to add the settings:

$ source ~/.zshrc

Now we can start creating my own site. I went over to and choose a nice layout. In my case this was the layout of

To install a new blog on my computer I went to my ~/Dev directory and followed the steps Anindya Chatterjee provided me:

$ cd Dev
$ git clone
$ cd
$ git remote set-url origin

I modified the _config.yml a bit to suit my needs:

Next I started a local version of my blog on http://localhost:4000/ with the command:

$ jekyll serve

Next I needed to get this all up to GitHub. First I created over there a new repository named And on my laptop I run these commands:

$ git add --all .
$ git commit -m "Config changes"
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

And there it is: my blog at